FYI – in case we get any inquiries - so I receive emails from some division secretaries of what they send out to the clubs…and thought I would share some interesting
news (I always seem to find out info from the members that I didn’t know!) – for ICON there is an option for one-day registration!
And he mentioned the Signature Project contest – KI has updated their page so that clubs cannot submit on their own (as the District representative – which they
managed to be able to do last year!) – so that’s a good thing – but he also mentioned the deadline as March 4 – which is our deadline to submit the District representative and when we send out the information, it will obviously need to be sooner than that
so the committee can select our winner. I’ve spoken with Rocci and Service Chair Brian Dahlquist and we will be handling that like we did last year and I’ll be sending out the information to the clubs in January with a submittal deadline of after MYS in February.
Just wanted to share…thanks!
From: Loni Kuentzel <>
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2018 6:23 AM
Subject: weekly information
Good Morning,
Two days until Christmas...are you ready?
Region X Education Conference at the Westside Neighborhood Center in Santa Barbara is coming up on Saturday, January 12th. I am still waiting for registration materials to send out,
but I am sure they will be here soon. You should have your calendar already marked for the date. If not, be sure and do it so you will be ready to go when the information comes down.
The deadline to turn in your Distinguished Club Score sheet to CNH is Monday January 14th.
Early registration for Mid Year South in San Diego on Saturday, February 16th is January 18th. Deadline for Early registration for Mid Year North in Santa Rosa on Saturday, March
2nd is Friday, January 31.
I have attached some more information about the KI Signature Project Contest. I know you all have special projects you do year after year. Don't be shy...submit them by Monday, March
4th.. Who knows you may be the club to put Division 29 on the Kiwanis map with your Signature Project.
This just in...Registration fees for ICON, June 27th to June 30th in Orlando FL...$300 until Friday, April 5th; then $350 until Friday, May 17th; and $400 on site. There is a one
day registration fee of $150 as well.
The division calendar is attached, as always. Check it out for more stuff going on...
LtG Fil wanted me to be sure and wish you and your families a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a very Happy 2019 from him, too.
'til next week,