From: Douglas Frost []
Sent: Friday, May 3, 2019 3:49 PM
To: Trina Krider <>
Subject: Re: FW: Kiwanis Bylaws and Policies Committee Mtg May 6
Committee members – in addition to the issues we are dealing with on Monday, our Executive Director, Mark McDonald, has asked us to review a section
of the bylaws.
The District has a standing committee to deal with the selection of the District Treasurer (Art. V, sect. 2d). Art. VII, sect. 7 deals with meetings
of that committee. While not explicit, sect. 7c appears to require that this committee meet
in person to address the nominations for Treasurer.
This is because the last sentence of section 7c says: “Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event there is only one (1) candidate for the office of
Treasurer, the Treasurer Selection Committee may meet by teleconference and vote by electronic mail for the nomination of the Treasurer.”
In other words, it appears to contemplate that the meeting would be in person
unless there is only one candidate.
This is a notable inconvenience. We all know how hard it is to make time for these meetings by teleconference, let alone time for driving to beautiful
Rancho Cucamonga. Mark has proposed modifying that last sentence to read as follows: “The Treasurer Selection Committee may meet by teleconference and vote by electronic mail for the nomination of the Treasurer.” This eliminates any doubt concerning the use
of a teleconference for committee meetings, and eliminates any requirement that this
must be a meeting in person.
We have been asked to review this and make a recommendation to the Executive Committee. This is because there is not enough time between the next formal
full board meeting in Orlando and the District Convention in August – we don’t have the 60 days to propose the amendment and give that proposed amendment to the District Secretary 60 days prior to the convention (Art. XIII, sect. 1a). The Executive Committee
may make that recommendation to the District Secretary on behalf of the Board and then the Board can ratify (or not) at the meeting in Orlando. That way we can get this cleared up. Obviously, all the other procedures for making a change to the bylaws will
be in effect.
On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 3:12 PM Trina Krider <> wrote:
2018-2019 Bylaws and Policies Committee,
This is a reminder that Chairman Doug Frost has scheduled the next meeting of the committee for Monday, May 6, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. via teleconference. To participate via teleconference, please dial 1-877-794-7297. Your conference code is 2012.
The committee will discuss the review of the Policy Manual.
Please see the attached Policy Manual for your reference, the received proposed changes to the sections assigned and the minutes from the last meeting for your use during this meeting.
Sect. 101 – Administration (Steve & Doug) – no changes
Sect. 110 – Solicitation of Funds (Tom) – see attached
Sect. 111 – Violation of District Policy (Doug) – no changes
Sect. 112 – Strategic Planning Committee (Joni & Bob)
Sect. 113 – Use of Kiwanis District Mailing List (Doug) – no changes
Sect. 125 – Committee on Convention Site and Selection (Mark) – no changes
Sect. 126 – Past District Governors (Joni)
Sect. 128 – International Review Committee (Pat) – housekeeping changes only
Sect. 140 – Kiwanis Rose Float (Joni)
Sect. 191 – Campaign Policies and Conduct for District Office (Mark & Doug) – no changes
Sect. 201 – Financial (Pete H. & Mark) – no changes
Sect. 280 – International Conventions (Mark) – no changes
Sect. 300 – Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Kiwanis Family (Pete E.) – no changes
Sect. 401 – International Board Counselor to the District (Mark) – no changes
Sect. 501 – District Trustees (Pat) – see attached
Sect. 601 – Lt. Governor Elections (n/a)
Sect. 710 – Service Leadership Programs (SLP) – (Tim & Joni)
Trustees, District Officers and any candidates for Governor-elect who are not members of the committee, this e-mail is being sent for your information only. You are invited to attend this meeting as a guest.
Mark W. McDonald
District Secretary
Sent via Trina Krider
From: [] On Behalf Of Trina Krider
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2019 3:01 PM
Subject: Kiwanis Bylaws and Policies Committee Mtg May 6
2018-2019 Bylaws and Policies Committee,
This is a reminder that Chairman Doug Frost has scheduled the next meeting of the committee for Monday, May 6, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. via teleconference. To participate via teleconference, please dial 1-877-794-7297. Your conference code is 2012.
The main purpose of this meeting is to discuss the review of the sections of the Policy Manual. If you have any suggestions for updates to the sections that have been assigned to you for review, please send to and by Friday, April 26, so that all updates can be compiled and sent to the committee prior to the meeting.
The assignments to review the Policy Manual are as follows:
Sect. 101 – Administration (Steve & Doug)
Sect. 110 – Solicitation of Funds (Tom)
Sect. 111 – Violation of District Policy (Doug)
Sect. 112 – Strategic Planning Committee (Joni & Bob)
Sect. 113 – Use of Kiwanis District Mailing List (Doug)
Sect. 125 – Committee on Convention Site and Selection (Mark)
Sect. 126 – Past District Governors (Joni)
Sect. 128 – International Review Committee (Pat)
Sect. 140 – Kiwanis Rose Float (Joni)
Sect. 191 – Campaign Policies and Conduct for District Office (Mark & Doug)
Sect. 201 – Financial (Pete H. & Mark)
Sect. 280 – International Conventions (Mark)
Sect. 300 – Conduct Unbecoming a Member of the Kiwanis Family (Pete E.)
Sect. 401 – International Board Counselor to the District (Mark)
Sect. 501 – District Trustees (Pat)
Sect. 601 – Lt. Governor Elections (n/a)
Sect. 710 – Service Leadership Programs (SLP) – (Tim & Joni)
For your convenience, the Policy Manual is attached.
Trustees, District Officers and any candidates for Governor-elect who are not members of the committee, this e-mail is being sent for your information only. You are invited to attend this meeting as a guest.
Mark W. McDonald
District Secretary
Sent via Trina Krider
Conventions, Conferences and Communications Coordinator
Cal-Nev-Ha District of Kiwanis International
8360 Red Oak Street, Suite 201
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Phone: 909-989-1500 ext. 122
Direct line: 909-736-1702
Fax: 909-989-7779
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Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.
The mission of the Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha District office is to provide exceptional service, education and information to all members of the Kiwanis family to empower them to better serve the Children of the World.
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Douglas Frost
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