2018-2019 Lt. Governors-elect and Governor’s Cabinet,


Attached is a digital version of a packet Kiwanis International handed out at the District Membership Chair meeting at the International Convention.  It is an envelope with cards in it to represent prospective new members and how to approach them in becoming members of Kiwanis.  I think it's a great tool.  KI sent one envelope to each current club secretary. 


I wanted you to be aware of this tool so you may follow up with the clubs in the division you serve and see how they may utilize this resource within their membership recruitment strategies. 



Timothy Cunning

CNH Governor-Elect 2018-2019

California Nevada Hawaii District

Kiwanis International



Sent via Trina Krider

Conventions, Conferences and Communications Coordinator

Cal-Nev-Ha District of Kiwanis International


8360 Red Oak Street, Suite 201

Rancho Cucamonga, CA  91730

Phone:  909-989-1500 ext. 122

Direct line: 909-736-1702

Fax:  909-989-7779


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Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.

The mission of the Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha District office is to provide exceptional service, education and information to all members of the Kiwanis family to empower them to better serve the Children of the World.