2019-2020 Club Leadership Education (CLE) Trainers and Lt. Governors,


The CLE PowerPoint presentation has 2 pages that have been updated – slide 101 and 117 – that now lists the correct $ amount as $35 for the new member fees for the District and slide 117 –that lists the correct website link to search for incorporated clubs in California - https://businesssearch.sos.ca.gov/







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Subject: Kiwanis CLE Trainer's Presentation 2019


2019-2020 Club Leadership Education (CLE) Trainers and Lt. Governors,


Please use the link below to access the 2019-20 CLE Trainers PowerPoint Presentation:




(This has the updated slide with Governor-elect Timothy’s comments.)


2019-2020 Lt. Governors – this presentation is being provided to you as mentioned in the Lt. Governor Training, as information and promotion only. Please do not distribute or make changes to the presentation.




Trina Krider


Trina Krider

Conventions, Conferences and Communications Coordinator

Cal-Nev-Ha District of Kiwanis International


8360 Red Oak Street, Suite 201

Rancho Cucamonga, CA  91730

Phone:  909-989-1500 ext. 122

Direct line: 909-736-1702

Fax:  909-989-7779


Find us on Facebook!

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.

The mission of the Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha District office is to provide exceptional service, education and information to all members of the Kiwanis family to empower them to better serve the Children of the World. 


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