Hello 2019-2020 Lt. Governors of CNH!


I'm so excited for each and every one of you as you take the helm of your respective Divisions in less than 60 days. I know some of you will correct me and let me know that there's less than 60 days, which is cool too. This is also an exciting time for myself as your Membership Chair. I've never served in this capacity and because of this, I'm excited and I want to make sure you are successful and as a whole we are successful together. Our fearless leader, Governor-Elect Timothy Cunning has been working hard to prepare for his year and I want to make sure that we are ready for our year as well.


In years past, most Lt. Governors waited to identify an area for a new club until after their year started. I believe this puts you in a tough spot! I say this knowing that each of you will have a full slate of Club Installations and Signature Events to attend. I've been in your shoes, so I know! This is why I'm asking each of you to identify 2 areas that a New Club will work within your Division. Our incoming Governor Tim Cunning, Roy Talley and I provided a list for you to review, which I attached to this email and it should be in your Lt. Governor resource file that Pete Horton was talking about at your Lt. Governor Training. This list shows where we had clubs in the past and some of the challenges that were known as to why they're no longer around.


For those of you wondering if bringing a club back to an area where one was previously, just look at the Kiwanis Club of Lakeside, CA. This club is thriving and growing through a common purpose to help children and their community. They are doing this with a caring leader, a passion to do more and "simple projects". As a matter of fact, this club is fighting for the largest growth in its Division. In addition to identifying the 2 New Clubs,  I need you to ask your Club Presidents who will take the challenge and "Step-Up" to be that sponsoring club. In some of your Divisions, you have clubs that are close to one another. It's okay to have multiple clubs sponsor a new club. The key here is making sure the sponsor clubs are involved with developing the new club(s), but also willing to let the new clubs have their own identity. I would recommend that in the next 30 days you sit down with your Club Presidents and brainstorm how adding a new club will enhance a need within your Division and who in the Division is enthusiastic about bringing in new members that should be considered for New Club Opener Training. 


By now, you should know who the President of each club is within your Division. Let’s start opening the door to brainstorming and also trying to identify community needs and what type of club should be established to fulfill the community needs. Will this new club be a 3-2-1 Club, a Single Purpose club taking on literacy, homelessness, food programs for needy youth, clothing drives or even a Networking Club.  Yes, that's right, I said a Networking Club. We've been told by our fore fathers that there is no Networking Allowed. Bah Humbug! If there is a group that is willing to start up a new club by Networking, then we should nurture and embrace this type of club. 


Our current members and our future members have an amazing set of skills to share. When we put them together for a common good, we are an unstoppable force. You as Lt. Governors are going to be the most positive, supportive and driven group of Lt. Governors period. I saw it in your training and having been a past Lt. Governor, I was in awe of how amazing each of you are.


As your Membership Chair, I look forward to working with each and every one of you. So who is going to join me in making this an unbelievable year? A year to look back on and say, "Wow we really did make a difference!". At the District Convention in Las Vegas I'm coordinating the Passion For Club Success Trak. This education Trak will be offered three different times and it will be focused on Membership. Stop in to see if there is something you might be able to bring back to those in your Division who weren't able to attend. 


If anyone has any questions, I can be reached at 619-840-9400 or xxxxxx@TheFoxTeamSD.com.


See you at DCON!


Yours in Kiwanis,



Greg Fox Jr.
CNH Membership Chair 2019-2020

Div. 31 - Immediate Past Lt.Governor 2018-2019 

1779 La Force Rd.

Alpine, CA, 91901





Sent via Trina Krider

Conventions, Conferences and Communications Coordinator

Cal-Nev-Ha District of Kiwanis International


8360 Red Oak Street, Suite 201

Rancho Cucamonga, CA  91730

Phone:  909-989-1500 ext. 122

Direct line: 909-736-1702

Fax:  909-989-7779


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Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.

The mission of the Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha District office is to provide exceptional service, education and information to all members of the Kiwanis family to empower them to better serve the Children of the World.