Dear Division Bulletin Editors and Lt. Governors,
On behalf of the Cal-Nev-Ha Children’s Fund, I’m pleased to share with you the March 2020 issue of “News You Can Use,” our one-page newsletter containing easily-digestible content
from the District Foundation. This newsletter has been designed to keep you and your members informed about the latest programs and events from the Cal-Nev-Ha Children’s Fund.
We know many of you plan the content of your monthly bulletins in advance, so to allow you time to incorporate this newsletter into your next monthly bulletin, staff will be sending
you this newsletter around the 15th of each month for inclusion in your
next division bulletin.
If you should have any question about this newsletter or any content contained within the newsletter, I encourage you to contact our Executive Director, Jennifer Chaves at the number
listed below.
Yours in Kiwanis Service,
Anthony Antonelli
Foundation Director and Ambassador Chairman
PS – If you have not yet reported your division bulletin editor to Trina Krider, please do so today so that we may include your editor in these monthly emails.
Sent via Kassandra Angel
Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation, doing business as the Cal-Nev-Ha Children’s Fund
8360 Red Oak Street, Suite 201, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730-0608
909.736.1708 (direct); 909.989.1500 x126 (main); 909.989.7779 (fax) | Building a Better Future
for Our Children
Come enjoy an evening of cocktails, dinner with optional wine pairing, auctions and fun at our
Shoot for the Moon Gala and Auction on February
8, 2020 in San Gabriel and on February 22, 2020 in Modesto!
Click here
to purchase tickets, become an event sponsor, place an ad in our event program or make a donation to our auction. You won’t want to miss this celebration!