Hi Trina,
Thank you for subscribing to the Portalbuzz club website and member portal for your Kiwanis club website.
I wanted to let you know about two upcoming changes. In July 2014, we introduced a new pricing structure to all newly subscribing clubs. However, at the time we were able to keep all current Portalbuzz subscribers, clubs like yours, at the old pricing structure
established in 2004 and did not incorporate an increase in price.
New Pricing - Starting with January 1, 2017 subscription renewals, all clubs will be transitioned to the current
pricing structure, which can be viewed at
http://portalbuzz.com/pricing. The new standard pricing may result in a small increase in your annual payment.
Electronic Payment
- Later in 2017, we will begin to migrate all clubs to electronic payment. Payment types will be electronic check (ACH) and credit/debit card for US customers, and credit/debit card
for non-US customers.
You’ll see a few time-saving benefits with electronic payment:
Once set up, the payments are automatic
You have the option of monthly or annual payment for your subscription
You can easily update or change the payment method or billing contact online, without having to contact Portalbuzz to make the change
Believe it or not, checks get lost in the mail. No more lost checks!
Our goal is to continue improving Portalbuzz in a way to help Kiwanis clubs like yours thrive. Investing in the development of Portalbuzz will make it more robust and yet easy to use while also
delivering new features requested by Kiwanis clubs. Improvements like these require a significant investment of time, effort, and resources.
Over the years, we’ve listened to our customers and have added time-saving organization and communication features like dues billing, event registration, ticket sales, online member applications and more! We have exciting new features coming soon too, like
an online donation widget.
The Portalbuzz team would like to thank you for your business and we look forward to partnering with your club to help you in any way we can.
Thank you,
Scott Smith
President, Portalbuzz