And another update in the new ISP . . .


From: []
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2017 8:03 PM
To: Support <>
Cc: Jennifer Chaves <>
Subject: Service Transaction # : 01092017006


Dear Jennifer Chaves
Customer Name : Kiwanis
Below is the response of your request #01092017006

Priority : Next Day
Service Type : Remote Support
Billable : No
Hours : 0.00
Status : Open

Please click here to respond to this ticket.

Request :

1/9/2017 11:46:49 AM...LR

From Email:
Hi Jose,

Any idea why my email suddenly won’t go through to this member? I emailed her last week. She received my email and replied to it. I’m now trying to reply to her reply and received the email below. I tried twice to reply to her email and I also tried to send a separate, new email to the member with the same result. rejected your message to the following e-mail addresses: ( gave this error:
Connections not accepted from servers without a valid sender domain.flph385 Fix reverse DNS for
Your message wasn't delivered due to a permission or security issue. It may have been rejected by a moderator, the address may only accept e-mail from certain senders, or another restriction may be preventing delivery.

Response :

1/9/2017 8:03:22 PM...LR

At the end of the day, I checked to see if the PTR record had been created and it had not. So I started calling Frontier. 3 hours later I finally was able to get an update. Ticket number Tier 2 IP-Data #284843 will be processed within 48 hours. I will keep checking tomorrow.

Unbelievable. I have never gone thru so much trouble to setup something that should take less than 5 minutes.

1/9/2017 12:51:12 PM...LR

After a more than 1 hour on hold with Frontier, they finally told me the Reverse DNS is still in queue to be done. They promised it will be done today.. WOW!!

1/9/2017 11:46:49 AM...LR

Apparently the Reverse DNS has not taken affect yet. We will contact the new ISP to ensure it’s setup correctly.

Lawrence Robledo


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