Hi Kiwanis Leaders,


It’s that time again — looking for articles and photos for the Spring edition of the CNH Magazine.  


Would you please take some time over the next few days and send me articles for the Spring edition of the Cal-Nev-Ha Magazine, in respect to your specific district job (Foundation, Formula, SLP, etc).  Articles about the project/subject matter and the impact would be greatly appreciated.  Don't be concerned how long the article is as we can edit it if it is too long. 


Lt. Governors, we are asking you to reach out to the clubs in the division you serve and request they submit articles as well! It would be great if they could put us on their email list for their future newsletters (where we can read about their projects as they happen). xxxxxx@cnh.simplelists.com


As a reminder, all articles and photos are due by April 7th.  


Write up a short article telling us about your service project - and include photos if possible.  Keep in mind, that if you have children in the photos, you must have the right (in writing) to print it.  High res photos are preferred so they'll publish crisp and clear.


Let's showcase your club in the next edition.  Again, deadline is April 7th. Send articles and photos to xxxxxx@cnh.simplelists.com.



Debbie Scheibel

Kiwanis Club of La Mirada

CNH Kiwanis Foundation – Board Member

CNH Kiwanis Magazine - Editor

Past Lt. Governor 2010-2011 — Division 30





Sent via Trina Krider

Conventions, Conferences and Communications Coordinator

Cal-Nev-Ha District of Kiwanis International


8360 Red Oak Street, Suite 201

Rancho Cucamonga, CA  91730

Phone:  909-989-1500 ext. 122

Direct line: 909-736-1702

Fax:  909-989-7779


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Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated
to improving the world one child and one community at a time.

The mission of the Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha District office is
to provide exceptional service, education and information
to all members of the Kiwanis family to empower them
to better serve the Children of the World.