2017-2018 Lt. Governors addressed,


Governor-elect Joni Ackerman is inviting you to attend the 2017-2018 Lt. Governor Make-up Training in Sparks, NV on Thursday, August 3 from 8:30-1:00 p.m. in the Alpine Room of the Nugget Casino Resort.


If you already have your padfolio, please bring it with you, otherwise one will be provided for you containing the training materials.


Please RSVP as soon as possible and let us know if you will be able to attend this training.


Thanks and we look forward to seeing you in Sparks!


Trina Krider


Trina Krider

Conventions, Conferences and Communications Coordinator

Cal-Nev-Ha District of Kiwanis International


8360 Red Oak Street, Suite 201

Rancho Cucamonga, CA  91730

Phone:  909-989-1500 ext. 122

Direct line: 909-736-1702

Fax:  909-989-7779


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Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated
to improving the world one child and one community at a time.

The mission of the Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha District office is
to provide exceptional service, education and information
to all members of the Kiwanis family to empower them
to better serve the Children of the World.