Dear Club President, Secretary, Lieutenant Governor and Governor:
This year, Kiwanis is launching a program to welcome and engage our newest Kiwanis club members, and we need your help to make it successful.
Beginning at the end of October, new members will receive a welcome packet in the mail from Kiwanis International, followed by a series of short monthly emails with tips about Kiwanis and steps they can take to ensure their success as a member. The new member
welcome program has been designed to reach members and engage them within their first month of joining. We want our new members to understand all the wonderful things they can experience through Kiwanis and thank them for joining us.
You can help make sure the welcome kit and subsequent emails reach new members right away. It’s more important than ever that clubs add new members immediately and accurately to their club’s official roster. As soon as Kiwanis International receives the new
member’s information, the welcome program begins. We know we can count on you to make sure new members are added to our database so they can become better informed about the benefits of the greatest service organization in the world. We’re relying on you!
Thank you for everything you do for Kiwanis.
Stan D. Soderstrom
Kiwanis International Executive Director