Past Governors and Kiwanis Leaders addressed:


It is with sadness that I share the email we received below regarding the passing of Fred Perez, 1978-1979 Lt. Governor for Division 39. As we receive more information, we will share it with you.


As mentioned below, Fred has been a member of Kiwanis since 1967 (51 years!) and was a retired Spanish teacher. He attended Stanford University and had a Master’s Degree.


Please keep his family in your thoughts during this difficult time and know that this organization has lost another great Kiwanian.


In Kiwanis Service,



From: Hansen, Lisa M. <>
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2018 10:03 AM
Cc: Mark McDonald <>
Subject: Fred Perez passing


It is with great sadness that I report the passing of Fred Perez, longstanding member of the Orland Kiwanis Club.  Fred served his community for over 51 years in Kiwanis.  He’s a past Lt. Governor and has served all positions within his local club in Orland.  Our heart goes out to his family, friends and Kiwanis family members.  Please keep the Orland Club in your thoughts as we work to strengthen and rebuild the next generation of Kiwanis in Orland. 


Please share with your club members as there were many people over the years that worked closely with Fred.  I will send out information on services as soon as I have it. 




Lisa Hansen, Lt. Governor of Division 39

